February 13, 2015

fork and cork - valentine's edition

Last fall, my girlfriend had a vision for a dinner club. An email was sent, and everyone expressed interest. Thus, Fork & Cork was born. Starting a dinner club with couples in their 20's is a resourceful adventure. None of us are married, so we eat off of hand-me-down mismatched plates or borrowed china. We borrow chairs and extra tables and manage to fit everybody into our tiny apartments as we take turns hosting. Once a month, our Fork & Cork family comes together to eat, drink, and be merry. Sometimes it's a riot, sometimes it's mello, but it's always a Sunday night pick-me-up.

{The boys better half's}

{Winter salad and baked pasta}

 {Valentine's fortunes from Paper Source kept the mood light, especially when the boys read theirs}

{Valentine's lava cake}